Pollboom range of Oil Containment Boom is temporary floating barriers used to contain an oil spill on calm waters. Oil Spill Booms are used for reducing the possibility of pollution on shorelines, rivers and other resources, and protect the environment. Oil containment booms are an important part of the oil spill response process.

Spill can contaminate the marine or terrestrial surroundings severely leading to a lot of environmental damage. Oil spill containment boom can help users minimize the spreading of the spilled oil. It helps in the containment of oil even in areas like oceans and rivers, thus leading to minimal damage to the surrounding environment.

Types of Oil Booms

There are different types of Containment Booms including Foam Filled Containment Boom, inflatable booms, Silt Curtain, Debris Boom, beach sealing booms, river boom, permanently deployed booms and rapid deployment emergency response booms. For more information our oil spill booms, please give us a call on (+91) 98338 45693.

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