Floating Boom Barriers

Enviroguard Manufacture of Floating Booms and Floating Barriers are used to containment solution for oil spill response and trash, debris turbidity, and Sediment Curtains in calm water and moving water conditions. Floating Booms are designed for controlling oil spills on water.

Floating Barrier Booms are reducing the possibility of pollution rivers, ports, ponds and protect the environment. Booms can be interconnected to cover a larger area and then disconnect to reduce the area as to when the weeds are extracted.

Floating Trash Barrier

Floating trash barriers are used to control and contain floating debris, such as plastic and other garbage floating in rivers and other aquatic environments. Floating silt curtains are used to contain fine material locally to the dredging operation has to be meditated.

We offer permanent trash, HDPE trash, duckweed trash and floating trash boom. Get a quote for best minimum price. For more information floating boom, please call at +91-98338 45693.

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