Load Test Water Bags

Load Test Water Bags are made of heavy duty coating fabrics, equipped with all necessary filling or drain hose components and valves, master links, shackles, lifting belts and incorporating with an innovative design.

Load test bags including crane test water bags, low-level test water bags, and life boat and davit test water bags, are all filled with water.

Load testing water bags are designed to be a safe, practical and cost-effective method of non-destructive testing and structural integrity testing of cranes, davits, lifeboats, bridge spans, ramps, elevators, floors and bridges. Load measuring shackles are a versatile alternative to standard shackles, designed specifically for determining the precise weight of a load. Get the best price from Enviroguard.

Water Bag for Load Test

  • Manufactured from UV resistant PVC coating fabrics.
  • Easy to manipulate and use to increase work efficiency.
  • A variety of sizes and types are available for unlimited load test weight variants.
  • Lifting capacity of 1-300 tons.
  • Belt and marine grade hook.
  • We offer rental and repair services as well.
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